Amfipolis Apiculture products


Propolis – The Treasure of the Hive!

Propolis is a sticky substance produced by bees, resulting from the collection of resinous secretions from plant barks, which they enrich with wax, pollen, enzymes, and other substances. Bees use propolis to seal and disinfect the interior of the hive.

The therapeutic properties of propolis have been known since ancient times, during which it was also referred to as "black wax." Peoples who thrived along the Mediterranean coasts used propolis as a medicine, as they had discovered its anti-inflammatory properties. Hippocrates recommended it for treating ulcers and burns. The soldiers of Alexander the Great always carried propolis with them during their campaigns, while the Egyptians used it for embalming the dead.

Today, propolis is widely used as a medicine, either in its pure form or as an ingredient in other preparations. Propolis has a range of well-known therapeutic properties, such as:

  • strong antioxidant properties,
  • antimicrobial properties,
  • healing properties,
  • analgesic properties
  • anesthetic properties
  • anti-inflammatory properties.

Its chemical composition is particularly complex, as more than 300 chemical compounds have been detected in it. It primarily consists of resin (50%), wax (30%), essential oils (10%), and pollen (5%). The remaining components are aromatic substances, sugars, balsams, terpenes, aliphatic acids and their esters, flavonoids, inorganic substances, vitamins, trace elements, and other known and unknown components. These properties have a beneficial effect on capillaries, resulting in improved blood circulation. It is ideal for strengthening the immune system and promoting skin health.

Method of administering propolis

Propolis is a powerful natural product and can be consumed in various ways, depending on your needs:

  1. In Liquid Form (Propolis Tincture):
    • For immune system support: Dissolve 5-10 drops in a glass of water, juice, or tea, 1-2 times a day.
    • For sore throat or mouth infections: Put 1-2 drops directly on the tongue or dissolve in a little warm water and gargle.
  2. In Ointment or Cream:
    • Apply locally to wounds, cuts, or irritations for faster healing.
  3. Raw Propolis (Chewable):
    • Cut a small piece (about 1 gram) and chew it slowly for 10-15 minutes. It is ideal for oral care and fighting microbes.


  • Do not exceed the recommended dosage.
  • Avoid use in case of allergy to bee products.
  • In case of pregnancy or breastfeeding, consult your doctor.

Propolis is a natural ally of your health, offering multiple benefits when used in the correct way!